Defining happiness, living in accordance with nature, and what being 'stoic' really means. With Massimo Pigliucci.

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“When you get to the end of your life, and you look back, what will you say?” How would you define a happy life?  The starting point is defining happiness - not the simplest task. A Stoic would say that a happy life is living following nature and the development of self-control and self-betterment.

Massimo Pigliucci, joins Niko, Founder of TOA, for this week's episode to unravel Stoicism concerning happiness, technology, and meaningful life. Massimo is a professor at City College of New York and author of many noted articles and books; most recently his 2020 book A Field Guide to a Happy Life: 53 Brief Lessons for Living. This episode serves you history, philosophy, technology, and more.

Listen in for a talk that dispels the myth on emotions according to stoicism (it’s not all ‘stiff upper lip’) and the three types of emotions according to this philosophy. What do the Stoics think about technology, Facebook, and decision-making? How does stoicism influence CBT? Does this mean that I’m a stoic? Listen up and find out.

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