Artificial wombs and sex robots? Hello future, we’ve been expecting you. With Jenny Kleeman.

Tech Open Air (TOA) is a community for knowledge exchange and collaboration.

Is humankind on the verge of transforming itself? Are we reaching the limit of controlling the human experience? If sex robots didn’t make you question tech advances, then artificial wombs definitely will.

The incredible Jenny Kleeman joins Niko, founder of TOA, on this week’s episode. Jenny is an investigative journalist, author and documentary filmmaker. Her latest book, Sex Robots and Vegan Meat examines the innovations in tech that promise to change the pivotal aspects of the human experience; birth, eating, having sex, and dying.

We’re creating shiny products to avoid changing our behaviours instead. Will the products succeed us? Or will we regret controlling the seemingly uncontrollable?

Jenny and Niko explore why humans strive for perfection and have an impulse to control nature, and also hot tips on where Jenny finds her inspiration for her articles and stories (it’s not where you’d think)...

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