Notes on tech realism and changing our 'Evil AI' narrative for survival. With Om Malik

TOA is a community for tech professionals looking for knowledge exchange and collaboration.

We’re starting to reach the limit of human scale. Technology is our saving grace to help us understand the complexities of the planet. How to think of the future of AI without losing sleep? Augmented intelligence. And we need it to survive.

This week, Om Malik is on the podcast, a renowned journalist, founder, investor, and luminary of the tech world. He’s a true entrepreneur and is a master at writing and talking about big topics in simple terms. Oh, and he’s an expert juggler of x1987 side hustles.

Om joins Niko, founder of TOA, to discuss his impressive life, work, and sound opinions on the future of tech.

Founders, listen closely... Om shares what he looks for when investing in companies, and what you need to succeed. First on the list is passion and devotion to your idea. It’s a cliche, but it’s getting harder to find in new founders.

They also discuss Uber’s colossal growth, the future of silicon valley, and why we need to start asking questions about tech before it’s too late.

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