A dog’s life… to be continued?! On prolonging life, biotech, and female founders. With Celine Halioua

TOA is a community for tech professionals looking for knowledge exchange and collaboration.

The future of ageing (and how to stop it), notes on being a female founder, and a deep dive into the biotech industry.

Did you know that dogs are considered the best model of human ageing? What if we could make human’s best friend live longer (and whilst we’re at it, get insight to prevent age-related diseases in humans too).

Celine Halioua has a background in neuroscience and experience in a venture capital firm. And she loves dogs. These combined have got her to where she is today - the founder and CEO of Loyal, a biotech startup developing drugs to extend a dog's lifespan.

In this podcast with Niko Woischnik, founder of TOA, they discuss how to get ahead in the Silicon Valley biotech world (with a very detailed tech framework on her website - link below), why she’s focussing on dogs for age prevention, and the strengths you need to become a founder.

She also discusses her difficulties in her career up to here including difficulty dropping out of Oxford University, how balancing work and life is near to impossible in the Valley, and working out how she best works (on instinct rather than process).

Notes and Links: - Improving life span and health of dogs - how to build a biotech company (and so much more)

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